Menu Spring Bites

Craft vs. Corp, Beer Drinkers will drive the industry’s future!

Craft vs. Corp, Beer Drinkers will drive the industry’s future!


I recall frequenting a couple of craft beer bars in northern Virginia in the early ‘90’s which both used the phrase, “No Bud, No Coors, No Miller, No Crap on Tap!” as a marketing and positioning statement.  So that’s where we’re going with this post, a look into the evolution of craft beer appreciation AND how “Big Beer” is attempting to influence how consumers approach their craft beer favorites. 

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  1248 Hits
1248 Hits

Leveraging Adult Beverage Trends to build your Brand

Leveraging Adult Beverage Trends to build your Brand

             As its football season allow me to be a “pigskin pundit” and begin with a football analogy.  The famous Ohio State Coach Woody Hayes once said that he didn’t like to pass the ball since of the three possible results there was only one positive outcome.  Those of us who understand the game get it, if you’re in any type of business you’ll understand that being successful only 33% of the time may not move you toward the goal post.

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  884 Hits
884 Hits

Less is More, for Menus

Less is More, for Menus


I recall one of my experiences in culinary school when my Food Prep 101 professor told our class, “There will always be a demand for quality and an audience willing to pay for it.”  The Chef went on to say as future operators we will need to focus on the needs of our guests and continually use the feedback we receive as a compass directing the menu items, the level and style of service to remain relevant in a highly competitive business.  As this is also a ‘busy’ industry with a multitude of details it’s easy to allow our focus to wander when dealing with the demands of each day.

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  1014 Hits
1014 Hits

“Gentlemen, this is a Football”

“Gentlemen, this is a Football”


            If you’re a football fan of a certain age or if you’ve read a biography of the “Hall of Fame” football coach, Vince Lombardi, you’ll recognize the iconic statement in our title.  A little back-story if you’re not familiar, Lombardi took the head coaching position with the Green Bay Packers at a low point (winnings-wise) of the franchise’ history.  He discovered a team that he believed needed to embrace the fundamentals of the game. 

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  8094 Hits
8094 Hits

What will Millennials "Kill" Next?

What will Millennials “Kill” next?


            If you’re one of the 76+ million Millennials living in the U.S. no worries, we’re not suggesting you are to blame for current changes in the retail landscape.  Lately the Millennial cohort has been taking a lot of heat for driving changes in retail due to the size of their demographic as they currently outnumber “boomers”.  Believe it or not we’ll discuss how this affects the growth of wine sales in the U.S. via a circuitous route through seemingly unrelated territory.

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  1085 Hits
1085 Hits