Menu Spring Bites

Can “Delivery &Tech” Save Casual Dining Chains?

Can “Delivery &Tech” Save Casual Dining Chains?

            When we first conceived this subject for discussion our thought process revolved around the difference between the “dine-in” versus the tech-driven delivery experience.  Our research took us in another direction on how we thought best to approach this change in consumer behavior.  We believe our review will provide answers for those operators seeking to grow their overall sales; however, we don’t want to leave our “dine-in” brethren wondering what happened.

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  868 Hits
868 Hits

Who’s Manning the “Leader-ship”?

Who’s Manning the “Leader-ship”?

            When time permits I jump onto my Linkedin account to review what’s happening in the hospitality industry and how my contacts are keeping busy, sometimes I even post there myself!  Not a day passes when a contact or someone they “like” posts a message regarding the different management styles within their respective industry, not all apply to hospitality. So no surprise but we’ll address the management techniques and styles in current adoption and allow the reader to make their own determination of “who’s pushing” the leadership needle in a positive direction. 

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  952 Hits
952 Hits

Changes in Adult Beverage Consumption Trends

The need to anticipate our clients’ guests’ needs requires we look beyond the food and drink menus to better understand what’s driving the consumer purchasing trends, guess what, its demographics!  It’s not enough to be a great cook or mix the classic cocktail, in today’s hospitality mix operators must maintain diligence toward a better understanding or who is moving the marketplace forward, so we’re going to offer a helping hand.

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  1066 Hits
1066 Hits

Millennials and Gen-Z are driving Adult Beverage Sales

Millennials and Gen-Z are driving Adult Beverage Sales


            We’re hospitality people and as our passion for food and all things culinary is highly focused so too is it equally attracted to the adult beverages so many of our clients rely upon for revenues.  We understand the need to anticipate our clients and their guests’ needs so we look beyond the food and drink menus to better understand what’s driving the consumer purchasing trends, guess what, its demographics!  It’s not enough to be a great cook or mix the classic cocktail, in today’s hospitality mix operators must maintain diligence toward a better understanding or who is moving the marketplace forward, so we’re going to offer a helping hand.

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  1116 Hits
1116 Hits

What we’ll eat and how we’ll eat it in 2018!

What we’ll eat and how we’ll eat it in 2018!


            Every year at this time the prophets of produce, prognosticators of protein and seers of service put on their visionary eye-wear to forecast the behaviors and trends of the consumer dining public.  We’re not here to jump in with both feet; however, our approach is to take a step back and attempt a broader view of what’s driving consumption in the food service industry.  We’ll share our point-of-view from those with a crystal ball on what’s going down in 2018.

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  1046 Hits
1046 Hits