Menu Spring Bites

Is the "demise" of Casual-Dining premature?

Is the “demise” of Casual Dining premature?

             I just read another industry trade article regarding the decent of the fortunes of the casual dining segment,, and there were some fairly gloomy statistics about its’ current state of affairs.  I’m not going to “pile on” any criticism or profess to have all the answers but will offer my personal view based upon a lifetime working within the food service industry and benefit of multiple hospitality degrees. 

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  1407 Hits
1407 Hits

Is Casual Dining so "Yesterday?"

Is Casual Dining so “Yesterday?”


            I came up through the fine-dining segment of the restaurant industry and witnessed casual dining operations in their infancy and learning to walk.  Clearly casual operators did an excellent job of learning how to walk and then run away with growth for several decades.  Now it appears those same casual dining operators are feeling the pinch of the demographic changes that are driving so many other aspects of current society experiences.

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  1224 Hits
1224 Hits

Are you a "Late Adopter?"

Are you a “Late Adopter?”


            If you keep up with current events in either the news or any trade journal you may have heard the term “early adopter” when the author speaks of the use or review of any form of technology intended to increase an efficiency or task common to a specific industry.  This begs a question of food service operators, if you could use technology (usually in the form of software) that could shorten your daily management tasks allowing you more contact time with guests and the opportunity to support your staff would you “adopt” and use that technology?

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  1943 Hits
1943 Hits

The Pursuit of Human Capital

The Pursuit of Human Capital


            As a young culinary student I recall my instructor sharing some of his accumulated wisdom with our class when there was a learning opportunity.  One day as he was either waxing philosophically or recalling a challenging situation he shared the following two statements which I will address separately on their own merits.  Please keep in mind that regardless of the employer / employee dynamic, in the end we all usually reap what we sow.

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  1300 Hits
1300 Hits

Navigating the "New-Wage" Landscape

Navigating the “New-Wage” landscape


            New York City’s minimum wage for quick-service restaurant employees is $10.50 / hour, soon to be $15 / hour when new legislation takes effect.  The California state legislature has created and the Governor has signed a bill gradually raising the state minimum wage to an eventual $15 / hour as well.  Several cities around the nation have also raised the minimum hourly wage within their geographic limits so what are food service operators to do?

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  1578 Hits
1578 Hits